How to Take a First Response Pregnancy Test

 How to Take a First Response Pregnancy Test

Detecting early pregnancy is needed. This is so that the health of the fetus can be maintained. Nutritional needs required by women who are pregnant would be different from the nutrients needed when not in a state of pregnancy. When in the first trimester, the state of the fetus is still very weak. Experiencing a slight shock can result in a miscarriage. Of course this does not want you to experience when you are a wife who is waiting for a baby.

Nutrition required in first trimester pregnancy is the key to the health and development of the fetus later on. The strong reason is why pregnancy detection should be done as early as possible. The easiest thing to do to detect pregnancy is when your period does not come. To know if it is really pregnant or not, there is already a tool that you can get anywhere to test whether it is pregnant or not. The tool is a test pack.

Test pack or tespek, the tongue of Indonesia call it, is a pregnancy test tool that the accuracy level reached 99 percent. Tespek can know pregnancy by detecting pregnancy hormone pregnancy human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or what we know is urine. When the egg has been fertilized and attached to the uterine wall, a woman will produce hCG. New hCG can be detected after 7-14 days after conception.

Tips on choosing a test
Before you buy a test, check out the expiry date on the product. Expired checks will reduce the level of accuracy to detect pregnancy.

Consult the pharmacist, which test requires less hCG. Because not all women produce hCG in large levels.

Before you use the test, also avoid common mistakes in using the test.
Doing tests too fast

Doing a pregnancy test using a test is not indiscriminate. As mentioned earlier, the test can know the pregnancy by detecting the pregnancy hormone content of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. HCG itself is produced only 7 to 14 days after conception. Therefore you can detect pregnancy using a tespek 1 week after your menstrual time should arrive. For example, if you should have menstruation on September 7th, then a pregnancy test using a test on September 14th.

In a hurry to read the results of the test

Sometimes because it is too happy not to have menstruation and presumed pregnant, then a wife immediately see the results when after using tespek. This can affect results. Because there are usually some tools that take a few minutes to show the correct result.

Too long reading the results of the test

Because of tired of waiting, sometimes tespek then left for then just seen the results. This also results in error results on the test.

Do not perform the test at the time of first urination

The levels of urine in a day can vary. This is because urine levels can be affected by the foods and beverages you consume. The urine level when you first urinate is the urine that contains the highest levels of hCG.

No more checks

Results of negative tests when it does not visit menstruation? You should immediately follow up with this by going to your obstetrician for a clear outcome. Is it true you are pregnant or there is a health disorder in your body.

How to use test
Choose non-expired tasks. Again, when you want to opt to buy a test, do not forget to check the expiration date of the test product.

Read the instructions for using the test. Each testpage has different usage instructions. Do you need a container to hold urine, or a direct test on urine when urinating?

Perform pregnancy test using testpect at first urine. Reminded again, that urine levels are different every time. Therefore do a test on the first time you urinate.

Wait for the results of the test in accordance with the time written on the instructions use of tespek. Do not see results in a hurry or too long.

When the results show a negative but you do not visit menstruation, immediately visit a doctor or take another test using a testpek at least 3 days after the first test.

If the results show positive, check your womb immediately to the doctor.

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